BTR Privacy Policy

On May 25, 2018 the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force requiring all EU businesses with an online presence to implement a Privacy Policy.
GDPR stipulates how companies can use and store customers’ information for the purposes of online sales, marketing, and website operation.
Our client security and privacy is of the utmost importance. We do not and never have shared client information with third parties.
Information is stored no longer than required to undertake individual transactions and as required to comply with Company accounting conventions.
Personal financial information is neither collected nor stored by BTR personnel or our website. All online payments are transacted via PayPal and their server systems.
Contact and delivery information is stored solely for the purposes of servicing sales orders and maintaining a reoccurring client account (should you choose to create one), for the supply of updated and/or refreshed technical information and for Company accounting purposes.
You are entitled to request what stored information we may hold.
You may request we delete or modify information we hold.

Data is controlled by Tim Ashton and information requests may be submitted by post, telephone or e-mail.